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Where to find sources of drinking water along La Flow Vélo?

Keeping well hydrated is key to keeping going on a cycling trip

Riding for several hours, totting up the kilometres, it’s important to drink water at regular intervals. When the time comes when you want to replenish your flask, it’s not always obvious where to find a source of drinking water. Don’t worry, here we give you our top tips for never being reduced to your last drop! 

Tip n°1: locate them on our map 

To locate sources of drinking water easily along La Flow Vélo cycle route, look for the pictogram in the form of a blue drop of water on the right-hand side of the map, indicating spots where you can stock up on water. 
By clicking on the water drop symbol in the key to the right, all sources of drinking water available along the cycle route will be revealed, allowing you to plan for stops to fill up your flask.

Tip n°2: Accueil Vélo accredited partners

Accueil Vélo accredited partners along the route (including accommodation providers, tourist offices and activities centres) will be able to indicate to you the nearest available sources of drinking water. With some of our partners, the accreditation includes being located close to such a water source, so it really is a good idea to go to them.

Astuce n°3: tourist offices

As the same time as dropping by at a tourist office along the route to ask for advice on the local tourist sites you can visit, you might also make the most of it to ask where nearby sources of drinking water and / or public toilets are located.

Tip n°4: Cemeteries

Cemeteries will have a tap providing drinking water (and sometimes public toilets as well). You can always make use of the tap provided, in the first instance to water flowers at the cemetery. 

Tip n°5: a dedicated app 

Use an app that enables you to locate sources of drinking water. There are several apps that exist, such as Hoali, that list establishments (such as bars, restaurants, shops and hotels) that are willing to allow passersby to fill up their water flask without requiring them even to order a drink.

Tip n°6: Railway and bus stations (gares in French)

Some stations have free sources of drinking water, so think of stopping at these. 

Rest areas are being put in place at regular intervals along La Flow Vélo to support cyclists along the cycle route, adding to their comfort. Some of these service areas are equipped with a source of drinking water. Soon, it’ll be possible to identify them along La Flow Vélo via our maps.