Who are we ?
Background and ambitions
In 2015, the three Départements of Charente, Charente-Maritime and Dordogne and their associated territories joined forces to coordinate this cycling route, which has a number of key objectives:
- Promoting the natural and historical heritage of the areas it passes through
- Offering tourists a leisure area and attracting new cycle tourists
- Encouraging the development of alternative forms of transport for local users
- Contribute to improving the environment and quality of life for local residents.
In 2016, a steering committee bringing together the various local authorities involved was set up. This decision-making and arbitration body is supported by 4 technical committees:
- Infrastructure & Signposting: concerning the route and signposting
- User Services: accommodation, catering, cycle services, public transport links, etc.
- Marketing: marketing identity, communication campaigns
- Financial engineering: raising funds.
In 2017, the V92 was named La Flow Vélo®! From autumn 2017, it will offer cyclists a signposted route. This provisional route, which currently uses a number of shared-lane sections (although traffic is calmed), will be 90% dedicated to cyclists by 2022.
Today, the Flow Vélo® continues to be a project run collectively by the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region, the three Départements of Dordogne, Charente and Charente-Maritime, the four Agglomeration Communities of Greater Angoulême, Greater Cognac, Saintes and Rochefort Océan, and the eleven Communities of Communes of Périgord Limousin, Périgord Nontronnais, La Rochefoucauld Porte du Périgord, Haute-Saintonge, Coeur de Saintonge, Vals de Saintonge, Sarlat Périgord Noir, Pays de Fenelon, Vallée de l'Homme, Terrassonnais Haut Périgord Noir and Isle Loue Auvezere.