Originally created in the 15th century, the traditional Nontron knife is considered by experts to be the oldest in France. Easily recognized by its wooden handle made from box wood, the couteau de Nontron’s blade is made from stainless steel today. These knives are also now specifically recognized as regional knives, promoting the regional know-how involved in their manufacturing. Still made by hand using old techniques, the craftspeople who put them together are proud to continue the tradition, while adapting to modernity! If the distinctive name engraved on the knife allows for quick identification of its origin, the company has employed contemporary designers to come up with cutting-edge designs. The factory workshop where the reputed knives are made is located close to the town centre. You can go and see the craftspeople maintaining old techniques to make them.
- The tour of the workshop is free and unguided: year-round, Monday to Friday, 9am -12 midday and 1.30pm – 5.30pm.
Nontron has further surprises up its sleeve. With its Pôle Expérimental Métiers d’Art (PEMA), crafts are given pride of place via an exhibition space open year round and showing ceramics, tapestries, stained glass, contemporary mosaics, wood-turned items, leather-work and more…