© TTW Production


Sarlat, star of the Périgord Noir

Designated a Ville d’Art et d’Histoire for its rich heritage, Sarlat boasts over 70 listed monuments. Located between the famed Dordogne and Vézère valleys, the medieval town is a must-see in the Périgord Noir area. In fact, every year, almost two million visitors come to admire this town with its feel of the south. The eastern start point or end point for La Flow Vélo, Sarlat sets the tone for the whole cycle route. It’s not simply a picturesque stopover, it’s a magical one!

Sarlat, a culinary magnet

Foodie cyclists will be thrilled exploring culinary Sarlat for its special traditions and dishes. Bons viveurs will be in their element! The area’s terroir and its deep-rooted know-how is a delight for epicureans. There are many Périgord specialities to savour here, such as truffles, ceps (large wild mushrooms), foie gras, confits of duck and goose, pâtés and other fine country charcuterie.

Relish the fantastic mix of aromas and flavours to your tastebud’s content at the magnificent Sarlat market! It’s a great time to fill your bicycle panniers with produce too. Rendez-vous here either on Wednesday morning or on Saturday morning, on the Place de la Liberté. This square is the town’s lively epicentre, a wonderful reflection of périgourdin traditions and conviviality. It’s a great place to enjoy a break and gather your strength before you get on your bike again. Sampling such local dishes as gizzard salad or cabécou cheese, you’ll leave replete with local culture!

Sarlat hosts many festivals year-round that focus on local culinary traditions, including the Fête de la Truffe, plus dedicated culinary days, the Journées du Terroir. You might bear in mind such festivities to time the start or end of your cycling trip along La Flow Vélo accordingly! 


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